LA MIA MODA 隆重登場 CALL FOR BRIDES-TO-BE 漂亮完美的新娘子,高貴獨特的首飾必能爲您於大日子中倍增令人驚羨的魅力 最新瑰麗結婚首飾系列隆重登場! 先試戴,後租買,大量款式配襯不同氣質的婚紗禮服,歡迎聯絡店主 TO BE A PERFECT BRIDE. WE ARE HERE TO HELP. HADE MADE WEDDING ACCESSORIES READ
L結婚 / 婚戒鑽飾La Mia Moda

獨家代理 ‧ 同區罕有玻璃幕牆 ‧ 優質大型上落貨區
R物業地產 / 辦公室買賣Raymond W Chan

Main Focus is an exclusive agent of several reputable brands. Such as XX HID, enon HID, Focus 7 color meter as well as the quality EL dashboard.


Thus, we can provide a wide range of baby products. In particular, we specialized in making gift sets containing soft and hard goods.
買賣及批發 / 孕婦及嬰兒- 孕婦服飾盈豐嬰兒用品有限公司

電腦洗車屋於 1989 年成立至今超過十五年的歷史 , 本公司率先引入及代理當時全日本最先進 CAR BEAUTICIAN 之電腦洗車系統 , 更首創一站式汽車美容維修保養中心 , 成為香港電腦洗車及汽車美容行業的主流先驅 , 時至今日 , 電腦洗車系統雖然經歷了 4 代的轉變 , 但本公司仍然手執牛耳 , 處於行業中之領導地位 . 本公司目前聘用超過百名員工 , 門市分店亦增加至 14 間 ,

GSL Technology International Limited specialized in the Document Imaging industry
G商業 / 印刷GSL Technology Ltd

New Century Motorcycles Co., Ltd is a subsidiary of Hong Kong trading corporation Well Truth (Holdings) Limited and was established in 1994. It is a professional group specializing in selling and dist
N汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠New Century Motorcycles Co., Ltd

Company Introduction It is the 1st Company provides pet’s hospice care services in Hong Kong. It was established in 1994. The services are entering into the 14th year. As it has a long history,
寵物 / 寵物善終再見寵兒善後服務中心

Apart from being the manufacturer and exporter of pearl jewellery, Rio Pearl is also famed for wholesaling loose pearl and pearl strands in all kinds including South Sea, Tahiti Cultured, Akoya, Fres
R設計 / 珠寶設計Rio Pearl

工作詳情 (招標中) 會員帳戶: whmwong 會員名稱: WHM 買家所在地區: 九龍 旺角 預算: $2000 至 $5000 描述工作: A Product rating / recommendation website (similar idea to open rice) Website requirement A CMS based website Minimum technolo

EC Watermark About Us EC Watermark Apply Watermark to Your Images Protect Your Images From Unauthorized Distribution EC Watermark lets you create and apply watermarks to your pictures in order to pro

Company Info. VINCENT MOTORS, established from 1980 The most respectable automobile trading company in Hong Kong What you can only get is the valuable automobiles in good price plus satisfactory serv

眼睛是心靈的視窗,虹膜是人體的氣象站,通過虹膜來做健康檢測,將有利於人類及早發現疾病的根源,並且能針對性地及時調理,將疾病消除在萌芽之中,達到防病、保健的最高境界。通過虹膜反應的全息現象,可以看出體內各器官的狀況,特別是五臟六腑的平衡及精、氣、神的體現。毒素累積的部位及程度,分析的器官組織細胞的損傷情況,甚至先天的遺傳弱點都能發現。可觀察全身體質、 血液潔淨程度、 免疫功能低弱,身體處在健康還是
o健康及醫療 / 身體檢查only sale for iriscope

產品細節 : 遠紅外桑拿三溫暖是最新高科技的研究成果,將遠紅外光的特殊優點巧妙構想,結合多種高新技術,為意圖尋求健康的人士帶來福音。遠紅外桑拿三溫暖更兼具美容、減肥、排毒等等的神奇功效。 它占用空間极小,無論在客廳,或是在臥房,隨時使用,並且您可以邊使用邊看書或看電視講電話,絕不枯燥無聊。由於完全不用水,也就不會發霉,故而免除了清洗的麻煩。還有免費附送的折疊椅,特別適合工作繁忙的您,每天晚上回到
o健康及醫療 / 康復only sale for iriscope

We(Re-Borny Jewelry Int'l Co Ltd ) are the manufacturer of stainless steel chains & jewelry and the specialist in CNC stone setting on watch cases. In 1977, Re-Borny Headquarter was established i

Location:地點: Marina Cove 匡湖居 Size:尺數: 1896' Garden : 373' No. of room(s):房間: 3(1) Remarks: 樓盤價格 售價Sale Price:: NIL 租價RentPrice:: 60K 樓盤查詢或交易: Contact Agent:聯絡人:: Tel: 2791 2666
物業地產 / 地產代理公司百福置業代理有限公司

Welcome to ASIA YACHT SERVICES ASIA YACHT SERVICES offers international yacht sales and yacht brokerage services for a wide variety of new and pre-owned yachts. Our Gold Coast location in Hong Kong i
A汽車及電單車 / 易手車買賣Asia Yacht Services Ltd

金堡瑪國際電業有限公司 專營各類汽車零件及汽車影音器材,公司的理念為「創新、開拓、全面」。公司負責人累積了十多年從事汽車行業的業務銷售及市場經驗,以創新手法向市場推廣及提供最優質的專家汽車產品。除本地批發外,同時亦經營海外批發,業務遠至北美洲、歐洲,近至東南亞等地。本公司經銷之產品深受同業及用家歡迎,當中代理的美國CRITICAL MASS 的真空管(膽)前置系統及MPS電子整流器更為業界帶來全

About Main Focus Founded in 2000, Main Focus serves the market with a broad range of car lighting products. At present we have several major distributors and dealers all over the world. And now we ar
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